Maintenance Hanskop 2016-03-06

ZS1DDK and ZS1AN started at around 05:00 from Bellville.

Picked up ZS1VDV at around 06:00 in Stellenbosch.

Got they key from ZS1YT at 06:30.

Arrived on site 08:30. Did a bit of 4×4 in the mist.

  • Checked the SWR of the VHF repeater(1.7)
  • Dismantled the full rack.
  • Built in a UPS.
  • Installed duplexer and bandpass filter (had to tune the band pass filter).
  • Installed VHF, UHF repeaters and link radio.
  • Installed a 50A power supply.
  • Installed UHF duplexer.
  • Installed link controller.



We struggled with local interference on site on the UHF and VHF repeaters. The VHF repeater squelch was closed to 0.37uV. (works now for about 99% of the problem). For the UHF repeater we had to switch on CTCSS.

The UHF link to Jonaskop is not operational, but the problem is suspected to be a misalignment on Jonaskop side (did recheck the alignment of the yagi on Hanskop side).

Hanskop tower 2016-03-06

Had a quick bite to eat in Grabouw.

Back in Stellenbosch at around 17:00.

Back home in Bellville around 17:45.