Jan (ZS1VDV) and John (ZS1EQ) did a round trip to service 3 sites.
Started to load the bakkie 07:00.
Left Stellenbosch around 08:00 and reached Piketberg by 09:45
At the end of 2017, the Piketberg VHF repeater was removed. The repeater was serviced by Verstay. The final transistor was replaced. A replacement duplexer was prepared during the week. The duplexer was swapped out and VHF repeater reinstalled. SWR between duplexer and VHF radio was 1.2 and between the duplexer and antenna 1.3.
Left Piketberg 11:15 and was on Hawequa at 12:45.
The 10 amp battery charger was swapped out for a 7 amp battery charger. The 10 amp is designated to go to Hanskop.
Left Hawequa 13:45 and reached Bottelary at 14:45.
Removed the UHF DMR repeater for service.
Back in Stellenbosch and unpacked by 16:15.