
Battery backup: Yes
Lightning protection: NO


Frequencies and Tones Output: 144.800 / Input: 144.800
Mode Digital FMN (11K0F2D) AFSK

144.800 APRS Helderberg digipeater coverate prediction. Does not take into account local obstructions such as buildings or powerlines.

144.800 APRS Helderberg digipeater coverage prediction. Does not take into account local obstructions such as buildings or powerlines.

UHF Repeater:

Frequencies and Tones Output: 438.350 / Input: 430.750 (ZS0DCC)
Mode: DMR (7K60FXD 4FSK)

438.350 Helderberg DMR repeater coverate prediction. Does not take into account local obstructions such as buildings or powerlines.

438.350 Helderberg DMR repeater coverage prediction. Does not take into account local obstructions such as buildings or powerlines.