Status Report 2016-03-29

Evening, all!

Well, it’s a bit later than evening and I’ll blame that on the Easter weekend making tonight feel like a Monday night. It’s also two weeks since the last report, for which I must apologize – a bit of a spell last Tuesday had me overnighting with a bunch of nurses and paying for my sins on the treadmill-of-doom the next day. Suffice it to say that the party must once again be postponed πŸ™‚

Rassie ZS1YT visited the Hanskop site this morning and replaced a dead power supply unit. Both the
145.600MHz and 434.600MHz repeaters are active on this PSU.

So, here’s the latest report for your enjoyment. πŸ™‚


Status Report 2016-03-15

Yup, it’s a Tuesday again and that means another status report for your collection. Quite a bit on the updates front and some reformatting and… well, take a look πŸ™‚

Maintenance reports will be made available on the WCRWG website going forward. The link to the
website is on the last page of this report.

The 434.625MHz repeater on Kanonkop has been reported down.

A Webb HD400 UHF dipole was donated by Pierre Tromp ZS1HF.

The Treasurer of the WCRWG reports the following cash donation summary, in no particular order:
β€’ 9 individuals – R4874
β€’ Hamnet W/Cape – R5000
β€’ BARK – R5000
β€’ Rally Communications – R1960
β€’ Highsite travel donations (14) – R5484

The WCRWG reiterates its thanks to these contributors as well as all those who have donated
antennas, coaxial cable, connectors and other items.


Status Report 2016-03-08

Hi, folks!

Well, well, well… what a week it’s been! Plenty of work done on the high sites and a bumper crop of donations. Plus a really spiffy website just jam-packed with information! All the delectable details attached, with a slight wrinkle… you’ll see πŸ™‚

There has been a lot of maintenance on Hawequas and Hanskop this past week; full details are available on the WCRWG website – see the link at the end of the report. Full details/reports of each maintenance event are on the website, including photographs.


Status Report 2016-03-01

First of March and we get a status report! Quite a bit of activity this past week as you’ll see from the attached. Enjoy! πŸ™‚

1. Jan ZS1VDV went to the Hawequas site to repair a crimp connection in the power box on 25/02.
2. Francois ZS1FAS, Henk and Marc (callsigns not supplied) went to Hawequas site on 27/02 and performed maintenance on the cabletray stays (rust removal/prevention), hut and external power box.


Status Report 2016-02-23

Heya folks!

Lots of work done over the weekend and the donation drought has finally been broken! Yay!

All the juicy details inside, as always. Enjoy! πŸ™‚

Jan ZS1VDV and David ZS1DDK performed maintenance on two repeaters this Sunday past. At the Piketberg site (145.625MHz), a local interference source was found. The repeater squelch was adjusted to 0.25microvolts, the controller was reconfigured to key on CTCSS and carrier instead of carrieronly and the duplexer was finetuned.
A circulator was installed between the repeater transmitter and the duplexer. At Hawequas (145.650MHz), the UHF link repeat setting was in an inconsistent state due to a deactivation on 15 Feb to protect the transmitter. The setting was deactivated then reactivated. On both sites, the controller firmware was updated.

A cash donation has been received from Dirk van der Berg ZS1VDB.


Status Report 2016-02-16

Evening, all!

It’s been rather hectic around here lately. Tilers arrive tomorrow so shifting stuff out of the way has occupied lots of time. And energy. Ah, well, I need the exercise πŸ™‚

Report attached for your perusal… enjoy! πŸ™‚

Jan ZS1VDV and Rassie ZS1YT reinstalled the link controller and radios at the 145.650MHz Hawequas site on Sunday 14 February 2015. An interference issue was observed that could be cured by disconnecting the UHF link from Piketberg. Jan has requested monitoring of the interference and, if possible, observation of the UHF link from Piketberg.


Status Report 2016-02-09

Greetings and salutations!

Well, there’s been a bit happening lately and… nah, you’re gonna need to read the report to find out what. πŸ™‚

Notes and Updates since last report

  1. Jan van der Vyver ZS1VDV and Mike Kellett ZS1TAF performed upgrades and maintenance work on the 145.675MHz repeater at Jonaskop on Saturday 6 February. A new minirack was installed and the repeater was replaced with one aligned to the controller and link radios. A new rackmount PSU and circulator were installed along with the controller and link radios. The fly lead between the duplexer and the heliax was replaced, the connection to the 4stack was serviced some water was dried out and the connection triplesealed. Initial reports indicate a significant improvement in the signal from the repeater. Further signal reports welcome.
  2. A new addition to the status report – the Riversdale repeater will be included in the WCRWG report henceforth. See below for the details.
