Hi, Folks!
Sorry about the lateness of the hour, had a meeting with the local neighbourhood watch that went on a bit. Still, ain’t gonna skip the report – here for your reading pleasure π
Hi, Folks!
Sorry about the lateness of the hour, had a meeting with the local neighbourhood watch that went on a bit. Still, ain’t gonna skip the report – here for your reading pleasure π
Hi, folks!
Well, there’s been some more nice rain lately. Jan took a lovely photo of water running down the mountain when he was up at a high site recently, check it out here on the website!
And, of course, here’s the weekly report π
Hi, folks!
Well, that was a bit of wind on Wednesday, and a nice bit of rain too. The dams certainly appreciated it but the fires in the Eden area were a bit of news we all could have done without. A couple of repeater casualties as well… check out the report π
Hi, peeps!
Hardly any change in the report this week, unlike the weather forecast. Keep warm, dry and safe should the predicted storm come to pass. π
Evening, all!
Not much new information in the report this week, but it’s still a new week therefore a fresh new report. Especially for those that line their budgie cages π
Middle of the month already! Fresh Report for your enjoyment, no printing it out and using it to line the budgie cage, now… π
Hi, folks!
Nothing much in my inbox this past week so the report is a little bland this week. It’s still a collectors item, though! π
Evenin’ all!
First Tuesday in May and here’s the latest repeater status report for your enjoyment! π
Hey, lads and lasses!
This week’s status report includes information on support for Yaesu’s DV offering. Enjoy! π