All I shall say is that it was Heritage Day. 🙂
Repeater Status Report 20190917
This should have been posted last night but one of our naughty dachshunds grabbed my specs off the bedside table yesterday afternoon and chewed them to bits. Fortunately, I had an emergency pair at work.
Repeater Status Report 20190910
Repeater Status Report 20190903
This should have been posted yesterday – apologies.
Constantiaberg maintenance 20190831
On 23/24 July the Motorola repeater was damaged in a storm. It is suspected that the repeater was damaged by static from lightning.

On 26 July Jan ZS1VDV and Paul ZS1V investigated and found the repeater damaged. The repeater and duplexer was removed. The antenna SWR (1:1.03) was checked.
In the following weeks a new install was planned:
- a backup repeater serviced by Verstay (ZS1VDV, ZS1V)
- correct length coax acquired (ZS1VDV, ZS1YT)
- duplexer tuned (ZS1VDV, ZS1V)
- circulator tuned (ZS1VDV)
- power supply connector replaced (ZS1V)
The morning of 31 August started at 06:00 with the last few tests of the configuration. Backed all equipment and tools. Left for site around 07:30
Repacked all into 4×4 vehicle at ZS1DDK.

On site around 10:00

Installed duplexer (Decibel Products 6 can). It was tuned to -2.04 dB insertion loss on RX, -2.5 dB insertion loss on TX, and -115 dB isolation between RX and TX). Next was the installation of the rack mount power supply (13.82 V) and Vertex VXR 9000 (sensitivity set to 0.25 uV) repeater.

SWR was rechecked between repeater and circulator, circulator and duplexer as well as after duplexer, all was found to be perfect flat (1:1.05). The power output after the duplexer is 14W.

A few test contacts was made to confirm all working.
Packed all equipment and boxes and returned home at around 11:30
A quick lunch sponsored by ZS1DDK was enjoyed at Peddlers on the Bend.
Repeater Status Report 20190828
This should have gone out yesterday, apologies. I was occupied with an operation with the local NHW and SAPS until late.
Repeater Status Report 20190820
Good evening! Herewith the latest status report.
Repeater Status Report 20190813
The latest report download link below.
Repeater Status Report 20190806
Good evening, all!
For your reading pleasure, the latest report. Enjoy!
Repeater Status Report 20190730
Another donation recorded, details included in the report.