New month, new report, new batch of donations. Read all about it! π
New month, new report, new batch of donations. Read all about it! π
Last report for the month on the last day of the month! Enjoy π
Sorry for typing this so fast but I’m in a hurry to get going and there’s lots in it this week. Another metric shedload of donations, the eagle-eyed amongst you will spot a massive one immediately π
PS: This is what happens when you type too fast, you make mistakes. Gustav Kuhn’s donation was equipment and not cash as stated in the erroneous report above. A full correction will be included in next week’s report.
Hi, folks!
Plenty in this week’s report to get your teeth into. Two intrepid explorers fight nature herself to do repeater maintenance and a whole metric wodge-load of donations are recorded! Stellar stuff! Grab your copy while it’s still hot! π
Jan (ZS1VDV) and Rassie (ZS1YT) went to Hanskop reconfigured the repeater controller and did all measurements for the big site power upgrade and antenna migration.
Most site visits starts the evening before the time with a 1 hour planning and packing session.
Wake up 06:30, pack vehicle.
Leave for Strand 07:30 from Stellenbosch.
Pickup key 07:45.
Drive to site, which was very long and challenging drive. Had to “find” a way to the top.
08:45 arrive on site.
With all the power interruptions and no backup power, the site controller’s EPROM got corrupted. Reprogrammed the controller. Changed default for links to VHF and East. (please see updates DTMF updates on Hanskop)
Did some detail measurement for coax and battery placements.
10:00 left site.
11:45 Home in Stellenbosch
12:00 Finished unpacking.
First report of the new month and here it is, electronic ink still slightly damp. Enjoy!
ZS1SCI (Ohan) and ZS1VDV (Jan) went to site around 17:00
The reconfigured UHF repeater ZU9DMR was reinstalled on site.
A new gateway was installed for the VHF D-Star repeater.
The site was left around 18:45.Β The drive down in the dark and mist was a big challenge.
Repeater status report on the PC, some nice jazz on the hi-fi, what else does one need? π
For your reading pleasure! π